Bachelor in Sports Management (BSM) is a state of the art course in Nepal and Gandaki University is the first University of Nepal to introduce this dynamic study program. BSM is a four-year full time study program spread over eight semesters, consisting of 52 courses with 156 academic credit hours. The curriculum is built on key subject areas, core and practical elements targeting learning competencies for starting professional career as well as managerial job in sports management and pursing advanced management knowledge.
BSM program at Gandaki University focuses on developing sports’ leaders. Nepalese youngsters will be trained to become sports and business managers with critical and creative thinking skills which will develop their communication and problem solving skills.
After completion of this degree, students will be qualified and well versed in the particular expertise and will be able to showcase their knowledge. Students who want to pursue their further studies will be able to join Masters in Sports Management and other related programs.
Entrepreneurship skills are developed in the students during this course which is the key element of this program. Students will be able to work in government and non-government organizations as a sports expert or a manager and compete in other national and international markets as well. Students will have the opportunity to not only learn about sports and management but also to focus and pursue the area or industry they are interested in.